Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Channel101 Nights...

I first discovered Channel101 when I was reading an interview with Community creator Dan Harmon at the AVClub. The actual interview didn't really get into the website, it was a random commenters posting a link to a series called "Phone Sexxers" that made me click and take a look. I found a lot of semi-famous pieces of work on the site, such as "Yacht Rock," "Chad Vader" and "The 'Bu."

The purpose of the site is to get exposure and experience under the belt for young, up-an-coming hungry amateur filmmakers. You have one month to write, shoot and send in a five-minute maximum pilot, and should it end up in competition and voted in online, you are free to continue the series until it's eventually voted off, although some choose to self-cancel.

This really stoked both the creative side of me, and the side of me that needs an outside impetus to get it in gear. I don't know if I ever would have started writing plays or screenplays if I hadn't enrolled in classes that would fail me should I not finish. The somewhat rigid structure of Channel101 gives me some guidelines to work with, and prevents me from getting too complicated or overthinking things due to the fact that the shows are five minutes max. As it is, I've already completely scripted one show and started two more. I think if I can actually light a fire under some asses around here, this would be a good way for me to get some hands-on experience, as well as a good resume booster, as well as an ego boost as all the so-called amateur filmmakers around these parts get to suck it.

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